Series on Software Design Practices – Part 3 In this small series on design practices, I write about various practices. In every article, I give a brief and simple explanation. In part 2 I wrote about prototypes. This time I present project pilots as another software development design practice. We already talked about spikes, which help …
Schlagwort-Archive: Design
Prototype – Short Notes
Series on Software Design Practices – Part 2 In this small series on design practices, I write about various practices. In every article, I give a brief and simple explanation. In part 1 I wrote about Spike Solutions. This time I present prototypes as a software development design practice. A prototype is a simplified, functional …
Spike Solutions – Short Notes
Series on Software Design Practices – Part 1 In this small series on design practices, I write about various practices. In every article, I give a brief and simple explanation. This is part 1. Let’s start with spike solutions. For me a spike is a way to figure out answers to a technical or design …
Update your package dependencies
So why should I update the deps for my application? Keeping your dependencies up-to-date is more important than ever One reason is that if you update the dependencies regularly than you can do painless migrations. Nearly every 6 months major releases of frameworks e.g like angular or react with API breaking changes are available. And such a …
Calculate memory usage of Java objects
With Twitter’s ObjectSizeCalculator If you are looking for an easy way to estimate the object size than this could interest you. [code] // gradle dependency // compile group: ‚com.twitter.common‘, name: ‚objectsize‘, version: ‚0.0.12‘ System.out.println( ObjectSizeCalculator.getObjectSize(myObject) ); [/code] The memory size of your object depends on the architecture, the actual vm implementation and whether the …
Why you should use new language features
A quick list I put together a list with a number of reasons why you should use new language features. The list includes points which are obvious, I learned or I found on the internet. improved design * easier to understand * easier to change * less defects effectiveness * using standards * getting help …
Find duplicate code with CPD
A copy/paste detector I’m sure that you know PMD, the famous static code analyzer. But have you ever tried CPD? Installation CPD belongs to PMD. You have to install PMD first. [code] $ cd $HOME $ wget $ unzip $ alias pmd="$HOME/tools/pmd-bin-5.8.1/bin/ pmd" $ alias cpd="$HOME/tools/pmd-bin-5.8.1/bin/ cpd" [/code] Command line usage I give you some examples …
Release It!
Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software Michael Nygard erzählt wirklich spannende Geschichten, die sich wie ein Krimi lesen lassen. Er gibt Tipps, was man alles beachten muss, wenn man Software in Produktion bringen möchte. Das Buch fängt mit dem Thema Stabilität an, dann kommt Kapazität, gefolgt von allgemeinen Design Richtlinien und Operation, also Dingen die beim Betrieb …
Der Weg zum Java-Profi
Konzepte und Techniken für die professionelle Java-Entwicklung Dieses Buch ist ein ideales Nachschlagewerk, dass wichtige Themen aus der Java-Welt kompakt und kompetent vermittelt. Beim Durchblättern fällt auf, dass hier alle Punkte berücksichtigt werden: Grundlagen, Analyse und Design, Einrichtung und Arbeit mit einer professionelle Arbeitsumgebung und objektorientiertes Design. Der Leser bekommt Tipps für den Bau stabiler Applikationen …
Applying UML and Patterns
Eine Einführung in die Objektorientierte Analyse/Design und iterative Entwicklung In diesem Buch wird der gesamte Entwicklungsprozess betrachtet, angefangen mit Usecases bis zum Softwaredesign. Der Leser erhält einen super Einblick in folgende Bereiche: Anforderungen Use Cases OOA/D OO-Prinzipien UML Patterns Iterative Entwicklung agile Methoden Testen Architektur Dieses Buch ist vollgespickt mit Bespielen und Praxistipps. Craig Larmans Buch …