Tag Archives: Gradle

HelloWorld with RESTEasy

An example with Gradle and current libraries RESTEasy is a cool project for building RESTful Web Services with Java. It is an JAX-RS implementation. And I really like the tight integration into quarkus. I show you how to build a simple project with Gradle (build.gradle.kts): That’s everything you need for building the project. And the […]

Format code like google

Get easy look-alike readable code with IntelliJ Spotless is are really cool tool for formatting your code with build tools. If you like, you can do that with your IDE too. I show your how to configure IntelliJ, so your code is automatically formatted while you save a file. First you have to install the […]

Discover updates or vulnerabilities

Keep your dependencies up-to-date with gradle This is an import task, e.g. nearly every 6 months major releases of frameworks are available or new vulnerabilities are found on a daily basis. I’ll show you two gradle plugins which helps you that your software project won’t be left behind. The first one is gradle-version-plugin. This plugin […]

Workaround – No tests found with Testrunner JUnit 5

Java 8, Eclipse, JUnit 5 & Gradle It seems to be a bug in Eclipse and it’is fixed in the Oxgen Release 3 (4.7.3). But I still have the problem in my Java 8 project. So I did a little trick. I changed the version for the engine and the launcher back to 5.1.0. Now, […]


This tool is great! I came across SDKMAN in a Spring tutorial. It’s a tool like rvm which helps you to manage parallel version of a SDK for the JVM like: * Java * Gradle * Groovy * Kotlin * Maven * Scala * Spring Boot * Vert.x It’s what compelling, so I installed it […]

Embedded Jetty with Servlet and Annotations

How do I programmatically configure Jetty that I can use Servlet Annotations? If you doing just servlets with jetty, this article could be interesting for you. I show you how I did it. Here comes the configuration: And I defined the following dependencies in build.gradle. That’s all. Hope this helps! Here is the link to […]

Spark, HBase and Gradle

While I read the book Learning Spark, I really missed a Gradle build file for my Spark job. As a huge Gradle fan, I put together a build file. Concurrently I’m playing around with Spark and HBase. So here is my build.gradle, which also contains dependencies to HBase. View the code on Gist. HTH!

Checkstyle, FindBugs and PMD Gradle Configuration

Configure Code Analysis Tools with Gradle I’m really happy that configuring Checkstyle, Findbugs and PMD with Gradle is so easy. So if you want to see how I configured the tools than have a quick look at this code snippet gist: https://gist.github.com/claudioaltamura/a9e59c009db38d615dae After you have configured your Code Analysis Tool, you just have to type in: gradle […]

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