Archive / CI/CD

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Discover updates or vulnerabilities

Keep your dependencies up-to-date with gradle This is an import task, e.g. nearly every 6 months major releases of frameworks are available or new vulnerabilities are found on a daily basis. I’ll show you two gradle plugins which helps you that your software project won’t be left behind. The first one is gradle-version-plugin. This plugin […]

Every push a build with Travis CI

Build and test your software projects automatically I wanted that cool build passed badge for my projects as I have seen at Github. So I had a look at Travis CI, which is a continuous integration service used to build and test software projects. Let’s have a look at the build file. .travis.yml That’s it. […]

Do you understand what Continuous Integration is about?

While reading Sam Newman’s book about „Building Microservices“, I cam across Jez Humble’s three questions he asks people to test if they really understand what CI is about. 1. Do you check in to mainline once per day? If you don’t check your code together with everyone else’s changes frequently, future integration will be harder. Even […]

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