Tag Archives: Build

Every push a build with Travis CI

Build and test your software projects automatically I wanted that cool build passed badge for my projects as I have seen at Github. So I had a look at Travis CI, which is a continuous integration service used to build and test software projects. Let’s have a look at the build file. .travis.yml That’s it. […]

How to specify Java Source and Target Compatibility in a Gradle multi project

I have a multiple project setup and I want to build top level projects using different JDKs. I did some experiments by myself and the following configuration worked for me (using gradle 3.1 and the wrapper function). At the root level my gradle.properties file looks like this: Default JDK should be JDK 7. So I defined this in […]

Continuous Delivery

Warum sollte ich ein Buch über Continuous Delivery lesen, wenn Jez Humble schon ein bahnbrechendes Buch zu diesem Thema geschrieben hat? Der Untertitel von Eberhard Wolffs Buch aber hat mich neugierig gemacht: „Der pragmatische Einstieg“. Genau das ist der Fokus des Buches. Der Leser lernt praxisorientiert und pragmatisch den Aufbau einer Continuous Delivery Pipeline kennen. Es umfasst alles […]

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