Validate your specs with OpenAPI Style Validator

OpenAPI Style Validator is a tool to create API specs with understandable descriptions, examples and consistent use of naming conventions. The Validator helps developers to identify issues in OpenAPI specifications. With defined rules you can describe exactly how an API specification should look. These specs can be checked automatically and the results can be used …

How to test a Quarkus GraphQL API

With curl, the GraphQL tool, insomnia and Rest-assured In the previous article I described the Quarkus GraphQL support and we discussed some GraphQL topics. Now I’ll show you how to test your GraphQL API with curl, the GraphQL tool, insomnia and Rest-assured. As an example I use my superhero project from my last article, which …

GraphQL APIs with Quarkus

A query language for your API In this article, I’ll show you Quarkus GraphQL support. As an example, I use the Superheroes application from my previous articles. We will discuss some GraphQL topics. Code, dependencies and modelThe source code for this app is available on Github. If you like, you can try the examples by …


Standards and best practices REST is a defacto standard and every developer implements REST APIs in a different way. In this talk I’ll show best practices and standards around REST. I talk about developer experience with REST APIs, resource naming conventions, URI structure, HTTP methods / status codes and the REST Maturity Model. And the …

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