Tag Archives: Actuator

Trace http requests with Spring Actuator

List the last http request with ease Spring Actuator provides also a httptrace endpoint. You get the last HTTP request with /httptrace. After adding Spring Boot Actuator dependencies to your project dependencies, you have to expose the httptrace endpoint via your application.properties: In Spring Boot 2.0 the trace endpoint was renamed to httptrace. You can […]

Change your application log level with Spring Actuator

You can do it even at runtime 🙂 Spring Boot provides a loggers actuator endpoint for viewing and changing log levels at runtime. What do I need? Add the Spring Boot Starter Actuator to you pom.xml or build.gradleorg.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator Expose at least the loggers endpoint in your application.propertiesmanagement.endpoints.web.exposure.include=loggers When exposed, you get all loggers details with /loggers: […]

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